Sunday, May 01, 2005
Piano Lessons on DVD for busy adults -- home study "Crash Course!"
Piano Lessons on DVD for busy adults -- home study "Crash Course!": "Piano lessons for busy adults...
Learn to Play Piano like you've always wanted to!
One month from today you'll be able to play 24 different chords on the piano, and several simple songs. One YEAR from today you'll be able to play 1288 different chords and HUNDREDS of songs.
Date: Monday morning, 6:15 AM - Crisp & clear morning in the Rogue River Valley of Oregon
From: Duane
Dear Friend:
Remember the old ad...
'They laughed when I sat down at the piano...but when I started to play...' ?
I remember very well the first time I played piano for a group. They DID laugh. It was a disaster. I overheard the leader say 'Let's get somebody with some rhythm in there to play'.
That hurt. But I told myself right then and there that I would learn to play the piano so well that no one would ever laugh at me again.
Guess what?
Nobody laughs anymore. And they don't laugh at my students, either.
Because I discovered...
The BACKDOOR to piano playing.
What in the world is the 'backdoor to piano playing?
Chords are a way in to the world of piano playing without having to go through the front door: years and years of scales, drills, rote practicing, etc. Chords are really a shortcut to understanding and playing music without all the formal training.
Formal training is fine if you have the time and money. But most adults don't want to wait forever before they can play something enjoyable on the piano. I took lessons when I was a kid, but found it boring. Not only that, but all I could do was play the written music exactly as it was written. Without the sheet music in front of me, I didn't have"
Piano Lessons on DVD for busy adults -- home study "Crash Course!"
Piano Lessons on DVD for busy adults -- home study "Crash Course!": "Piano lessons for busy adults...
Learn to Play Piano like you've always wanted to!
One month from today you'll be able to play 24 different chords on the piano, and several simple songs. One YEAR from today you'll be able to play 1288 different chords and HUNDREDS of songs.
Date: Monday morning, 6:15 AM - Crisp & clear morning in the Rogue River Valley of Oregon
From: Duane
Dear Friend:
Remember the old ad...
'They laughed when I sat down at the piano...but when I started to play...' ?
I remember very well the first time I played piano for a group. They DID laugh. It was a disaster. I overheard the leader say 'Let's get somebody with some rhythm in there to play'.
That hurt. But I told myself right then and there that I would learn to play the piano so well that no one would ever laugh at me again.
Guess what?
Nobody laughs anymore. And they don't laugh at my students, either.
Because I discovered...
The BACKDOOR to piano playing.
What in the world is the 'backdoor to piano playing?
Chords are a way in to the world of piano playing without having to go through the front door: years and years of scales, drills, rote practicing, etc. Chords are really a shortcut to understanding and playing music without all the formal training.
Formal training is fine if you have the time and money. But most adults don't want to wait forever before they can play something enjoyable on the piano. I took lessons when I was a kid, but found it boring. Not only that, but all I could do was play the written music exactly as it was written. Without the sheet music in front of me, I didn't have"
Piano chords
Piano chords: "Piano chords...
I can have you playing 'chord' piano in 10 days for as little as 39 bucks.
You won't be great in 10 days, but you'll be on your way.
If you don't learn, you don't pay. It's that simple. But you will learn.
I really can teach you to play the piano using piano chords. And it won't cost you an arm and a leg, either. And you risk nothing, since my chording method is 100% guaranteed.
This is not a bogus claim. I've been teaching people to play the piano using chords for 40 years now, and I know what works.
At the end of 10 days you'll know enough about chords and music to play songs on the piano with both hands - without having to read complicated sheet music -- just the tune and the chords, like this:
Piano playing becomes SO much easier when you know what chord to play in the left hand while your right hand plays the melody!
Click to hear Duane explain 'Chord Piano'
Here is what you'll learn in the 10 day course:
1. You're going to be able to play all 12 major piano chords easily and quickly. Some of my students can play them in as little as 3 seconds! (Honest!)
2. You're going to be able to pick out a tune with your right hand both 'by ear' and by reading notes. (Some people play by ear, and some by sight-reading. You're going to be able to do both -- and knowing piano chords speeds up both.)
3. You will be able to play all minor piano chords, all diminished piano chords, and all augmented piano chords, just by changing each major piano chord slightly. But that's not all: You will also learn how to form and play 6th chords, minor 6th chords, 7th chords, minor 7th chords, maj7th chords (different than 'regular' 7th chords), and even 9th chords! You will be able to "
Piano chords
Piano chords: "Piano chords...
I can have you playing 'chord' piano in 10 days for as little as 39 bucks.
You won't be great in 10 days, but you'll be on your way.
If you don't learn, you don't pay. It's that simple. But you will learn.
I really can teach you to play the piano using piano chords. And it won't cost you an arm and a leg, either. And you risk nothing, since my chording method is 100% guaranteed.
This is not a bogus claim. I've been teaching people to play the piano using chords for 40 years now, and I know what works.
At the end of 10 days you'll know enough about chords and music to play songs on the piano with both hands - without having to read complicated sheet music -- just the tune and the chords, like this:
Piano playing becomes SO much easier when you know what chord to play in the left hand while your right hand plays the melody!
Click to hear Duane explain 'Chord Piano'
Here is what you'll learn in the 10 day course:
1. You're going to be able to play all 12 major piano chords easily and quickly. Some of my students can play them in as little as 3 seconds! (Honest!)
2. You're going to be able to pick out a tune with your right hand both 'by ear' and by reading notes. (Some people play by ear, and some by sight-reading. You're going to be able to do both -- and knowing piano chords speeds up both.)
3. You will be able to play all minor piano chords, all diminished piano chords, and all augmented piano chords, just by changing each major piano chord slightly. But that's not all: You will also learn how to form and play 6th chords, minor 6th chords, 7th chords, minor 7th chords, maj7th chords (different than 'regular' 7th chords), and even 9th chords! You will be able to "
Pat Pelzel grows afro
Pat Pelzel grows afro
Medford, Oregon April 1, 2005 --
The little town of Medford is abuzz today with the news that Pat Pelzel grows afro! After years of cultivating the bald image, Pat apparently did a 180 turn and pulled out all the stops in his effort to achieve notoriety on the web.
Pat, the mild-mannered digital guy at Pukey Print in Medford, also sometimes known at "Hey Pat", has also been described as "the Clark Kent of Medford" because of his penchant for changing clothes rapidly in the phone booth adjacent to his workplace.
"Hey -- I just like to wear different clothes during different parts of the day," Pelzel explained while questioned by Medford police. "You know -- in the morning I like to dress casually -- usually in my sweats. But after lunch, I like to put on the dog by switching to my tux, so I can impress clients who come in to Pukey Print in the afternoon when they are sleepy. And after work, I often don my sleeveless evening gown before I hit the town. And now I have decided I want hair after all these years, so I put my mind to it and presto! -- there it was this morning -- a beautiful black afro!"
Arnold Fishmaster, proprietor of Pukey Print and a close confidant of Pelzel, immediately started the presses rolling with the news that "Pat Pelzel grows afro!" as soon as he heard the news about the new hairdo.
"Astounding!" remarked Arnold, who himself had sported an afro in years gone by. "I can't believe that he grew it that fast! I just saw him last evening and he was bald, and yet this morning he had a full head of curley black hair. Obviously, he has a real winner on his hands, and I have no doubt that he will parley this remarkable talent into a world wide web business!"
"Yes", added Pelzel. "I intend to become the dominant force in hair growing for bald men and women, and create an internet empire based on the headline you are holding in your hand: "Pat Pelzel grows afro!"
Pat Pelzel grows afro!