Sunday, May 01, 2005
Piano Lessons on DVD for busy adults -- home study "Crash Course!"
Piano Lessons on DVD for busy adults -- home study "Crash Course!": "Piano lessons for busy adults...
Learn to Play Piano like you've always wanted to!
One month from today you'll be able to play 24 different chords on the piano, and several simple songs. One YEAR from today you'll be able to play 1288 different chords and HUNDREDS of songs.
Date: Monday morning, 6:15 AM - Crisp & clear morning in the Rogue River Valley of Oregon
From: Duane
Dear Friend:
Remember the old ad...
'They laughed when I sat down at the piano...but when I started to play...' ?
I remember very well the first time I played piano for a group. They DID laugh. It was a disaster. I overheard the leader say 'Let's get somebody with some rhythm in there to play'.
That hurt. But I told myself right then and there that I would learn to play the piano so well that no one would ever laugh at me again.
Guess what?
Nobody laughs anymore. And they don't laugh at my students, either.
Because I discovered...
The BACKDOOR to piano playing.
What in the world is the 'backdoor to piano playing?
Chords are a way in to the world of piano playing without having to go through the front door: years and years of scales, drills, rote practicing, etc. Chords are really a shortcut to understanding and playing music without all the formal training.
Formal training is fine if you have the time and money. But most adults don't want to wait forever before they can play something enjoyable on the piano. I took lessons when I was a kid, but found it boring. Not only that, but all I could do was play the written music exactly as it was written. Without the sheet music in front of me, I didn't have"