The student loan program in the U.S.
Student Loans Student loans are a common part of the traditional college students financial aid package that often includes grants and some form of work study program along with the student loan. You probably had one. I did. The question is whether or not we should consider a student loan as a part of the financing for the education of next generation. Of course, thats an individual decision but here are..
Public speaking -- worse than death?
Is Public Speaking Worse Than Death? Fear of public speaking is nearly universal. Most all of us can relate to the ache in the pit of the stomach, the sweaty palms, and the jittery nerves that so often accompany pubic speaking occasions. As a matter of fact, the fear of public speaking is so common that one study I saw ranked it above the fear of death! Thats pretty amazing when you consider that every neg..
Online Schools
Online Schools: Opportunity at Our Fingertips Although most school aged children still attend the modern brick and mortar, Monday through Friday, daytime schools, a new kind of schooling is bursting onto the scene: Online schools. Theyre high tech. Theyre convenient. They can be fun and they can be extremely effective. Online schools come in a wide variety of forms and show up in just a..
online correspondence schools
Online Correspondence School Revolution There is no doubt that online correspondence schools are here to stay. For the professional they offer the flexibility to integrate further education into our fast paced lives by being available on the computer when the kids are finally asleep without the need for us to go out and get a babysitter. For many, online correspondence schools offer access to educational..
Law school
So You Want to Go to Law School? Mention law school and for most people one of two images instantly comes to mind. The first one is dominated by all the jokes that float around the world about the law profession, the second is images of well groomed and tailored young men and women making wads of money. Either way the thought of finding a law school is intimidating. No one wants to spend all that money to go to..
Adult Education
Adult Education: Quite Possibly the Key to Your American Dream Studies have shown a direct correlation between an individuals earning ability and his or her education. Because of this, many people every year enter the world of adult education. Sometimes it is because the next level up the corporate ladder requires a degree or certification that the individual just doesnt have. Sometimes we enter the wo..
In Search of Web Hosting
In Search of Web Hosting So youve got a website designed and all ready to launch. Maybe youve even already registered your web domain name. But how do you get it up on the web? The answer is a little thing known as web hosting. In theory web hosting is something you can do yourself with a computer and a high speed web connection, but I dont recommend it. I dont recommend it for several reas..
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization: The key to your future The twentieth century brought a lot of change in the world of the business of getting your business out in front of your potential customers. From signs on the roofs of barns, to burma shave signs, to television each development was a small step forward in getting the message out and a huge step up in cost. But as the twentieth century drew to a close, a new opportunity for the e..
Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing: Opportunity at Your Fingertips Internet marketing has revolutionized how we do business. It wasnt very long ago that very few companies had a presence on the internet. Now its often said that if you want to survive you had better have a presence on the web. But really even a presence on the web is not enough. Businesses go under everyday that do have a presence on the web, but what most of them dont hav..
Cheap internet access
Cheap Internet Access Options: Deals for the Savvy Looking for cheap internet access? How does $19.99 month sound? Too rich for your blood? How about $14.99? $12.99? $9.99? $6.49? How about free? No, dont check your glasses, I said free. There are deals out there to be found for anyone looking for cheap internet access. Most of the cheap internet access deals are on dial up accounts and that is where I w..
Design your own web site
Designing your own web site It wasnt very long ago that the business world was a web site optional world. Much has changed since then. Today, there are very few businesses that wouldnt be greatly benefited by a well designed web site and many others that would not be in business today if they didnt have an active and dynamic web site. If you dont have a web site, get one. Unless..
Broadband Internet Access
Broadband Internet Access Options: High Speed Communications Take Flight The internet. It makes it possible us to email, search, research, instant message, game, browse, shop, and transmit pictures and videos to friends and loved ones hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Individuals use it. Businesses use it to build their customer base. Even businesses that are not r..
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing Programs: Opportunity for the Internet Savvy The internet is full of offers promising to make you money a lot of it. But do these offer hold up? Specifically, do the affiliate marketing programs that proliferate the internet deliver on their promises? Actually, they can but as with everything else in life, youve got to choose wisely. In the mid 1990s, Jeff Bezos, the founder of..
Travel Agent Schools
Travel Agent Schools Are They Worth Your Time and Money? In my mind there are few career choices with more desirable perks than a career in the travel and tourism industry especially a career as a travel agent. The reduced rates alone on hotel and transportation to exotic locations around the world make the business alluring. Add to that the reputation the tourism and hospitality industry has for pamp..
Online Auctions
Online Auctions: More than Just eBay When most of us think about online auctions we automatically think about eBay. This is understandable since eBay has dominated the world of online auctions since it was founded in 1995, but the reality is that eBay is only one of hundreds (some say thousands) of online auctions available on the internet that provide shoppers from around the world to hunt for bargains, find collec..
Landing the Last Minute Cruise Bonanza
Landing the Last Minute Cruise Bonanza The travel and tourism industry is coming back. Its slow and painful, and rising fuel prices dont help, but it is coming back and cruise ships are among the bright spots in the tourism industry. So does that mean there are no deals to be had in last minute cruises? Hardly. The growth of the cruise industry means that new ships are being added to the fleets of cruise..
Your backyard gazebo
Finding Your Backyard Never-Neverland Your Backyard Gazebo With the price of gasoline racing toward the sky more and more of us are looking a little closer to home for a place to retreat from the hectic pace of every day life. We need a place to read, meditate, and pray. We need a place to unwind, reset, and even, perhaps, add a touch of romance into our day to day lives. For many the answer may be as simpl..
Online Health Insurance Quotes
Online Health Insurance Quotes: Providing Insurance for the Twenty-First Century Over the past couple of decades that only thing that has seemed to keep pace with the rising cost of health care has been health insurance premiums, prompting many to choose to do without insurance. But with the cost of health care skyrocketing, choosing to forgo health insurance could prove to be a devastating decision. It doe..
Online auto insurance quotes
Online Auto Insurance Quotes: Insurance Shopping Made Easy While it may not rival the feel of new heated leather seats on a snowcapped winters day, the online world makes the old days of dealing with insurance companies seem painful at least when it comes to shopping for an auto insurance quote. The first and most obvious advantage is the convenience. You can work on your quote when its convenient to you. I..
Life insurance quotes online
Life Insurance Quotes Online: Simplified Peace of Mind Your life insurance premium is the money that you pay each month so that you wont have to worry about those that are left behind after you die. In a perfect world we wouldnt need it but we do. We live in a world that has made it difficult to turn around without incurring an expense. And unless you live the life of a hermit, living out of a cave in the midst..
Home Owners Insurance Quote Online
How to Get the Best Home Owners Insurance Quote Online Type the words home owners insurance quotes into most any search engine and the number websites listed that say they are prepared to give you an online insurance quote is staggering. It can even be a little bit daunting, but it doesnt have to be. The internet is an excellent place for the savvy shopper to find a home owners insurance quote that is right for you. This..
Home Equity Loans
Three Critical Tips toward Getting the Best Home Equity Loan You Can Get Regardless of how carefully we plan, we all find ourselves in need of extra cash from time to time. Whether that need comes in the form of a medical emergency, a major home repair or renovation, an automotive repair, or something as simple as the need to replace a major appliance, a home equity loan might be the answer that you..
Free credit report
Free Credit Report? Whats the catch? It seems that you cant open your mail or access the internet without running into someone that wants to give you a free credit report . Thats great, Ive always thought, it wouldnt hurt for me to check and make sure that my credit report actually reflects who I am, but why is everyone so anxious for me to let them do the legwork for me? Whats in it for..
Debt consolidation options
Debt Consolidation: Lifesaver or Man-eater? In America today, the average American has a combined credit card debt of more than nine thousand dollars so there is little reason for surprise that the debt consolidation industry is thriving. The internet is filled with advertisements for debt consolidation solutions. Nearly every day I get another offer to loan me money for debt consolidation. An average de..
Weight loss diets
Weight Loss Diets: Let Me Count the Ways. Lets face it. We live in a society that is obsessed with being thin and yet most of us are in serious need of weight loss. Its not that were not trying. Weve tried the weight loss pills and the weight loss fasts. Weve tried the weight loss patch and the latest fad diet. Weve gone to the book store to find a weight loss book and walked away empty handed,..
Laser hair removal
Laser Hair Removal: The High Tech Answer to Tweezers and Waxing. Whether were talking about an embarrassing bushel of facial hair on a woman, back hair on a man, or just something a little more subtle, more and more people are turning to laser hair removal experts for help. But what is it? Is laser hair removal a viable alternative for you? Laser hair removal is a modern hair removal system design..
Pulmonary Hypertension: The Hidden Killer
Pulmonary Hypertension: The Hidden Killer Pulmonary hypertension is, simply put, high blood pressure in the pulmonary region of the body (the lungs). It is a progressive disorder that starts when the blood vessels to the lungs constrict. This makes it more difficult for blood to get through to the lungs, and as a result the heart is forced to pump harder supply the blood that the pulmonary region requires. As time passes the..
Nursing Job Opportunities
Nursing Job Opportunities London to Anchorage, Rescuing Hospitals to Rescuing Victims As the baby boom generation ages, the number of people needing the services of health healthcare professionals is on the rise, and that means the need for nurses has never been higher. As a result our nation is currently experiencing a shortage of nurses which means, among other things, that the range of opportunities presented to those seekin..
Medical Software
Medical Software: Medicine for the Medical Profession Imagine your doctor being able to look up a medical condition on a hunch while he or she is still with you in the exam room instead of having to try to remember to do it at the end of the day after they are exhausted from having seen all of their patients. Its possible thanks to advances in medical software that is now available online. All the doctor needs is the..
Medical malpractice
Medical Malpractice Mania: At What Cost? Medical malpractice is an issue which evokes strong opinions from people all across the spectrum politically, economically, and geographically because we are all touched by the issue in one form or another. Because of the issue of medical malpractice juries have awarded huge settlements to individuals that the jury has determined to be the victim of..
Medical alert bracelets
Medical Alert Bracelets: The Piece of Jewelry that Could Save Your Life If you are one of the millions of people around the world who have a medical condition like diabetes, asthma, or a particular drug sensitivity that medical professionals have to know about in an emergency to provide you with the proper medical care you need a simple, reliable, lost cost way of communicating your medical needs to the medical community. You need a medic..
Heart attacks
Heart Attack Symptoms and How They are Treated Youre going throughout your day as usual when you suddenly realized that your chest and neck or stomach isnt feeling right
or maybe you have no pain to speak of but find yourself short of breath, you may be having a heart attack. Heart attack warning signs can also include profuse sweating, light headedness, nausea, and vomiting as well as the chest pain, which can..
Druge and alcohol treatment programs
Drug and Alcohol Treatment: Getting it Right In 2002 more than six million Americans were abusing prescription drugs according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and thats just the statistics from one group of addictions! When you add in the millions of people who are addicted to alcohol or illicit drugs such as heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamines, it is clear that the ne..
Issues that affect us all
The Many Faces of Cancer and the Treatment Options When I was a child the mention of the word cancer brought fear and trembling. It also brought images of lung cancer. Maybe that was the most common kind of cancer back then. I dont know. I do know that there are now in excess of one hundred kinds of diseases that we would call cancer. Some, such as lung, breast, prostate, and te..
Laser eye surgery
Lasik Eye Surgery: Weighing the High Tech Optical Gorilla Laser eye surgery. It sounds almost surreal too good to be true. It sounds something akin to Supermans X-ray vision or the devices the doctors on Star Trek would wave over a patients arm to heal a deep gash in the skin or a broken bone. It sounds like a fantasy, but its not. Lasik eye surgery is real. Lasik eye surgery is a procedure that re..
Asbestos and mesthelioma - Great for insulation -- not so great for humans
The Effects of Asbestos On Humans Great for insulation -- not so great for humans Asbestos is a fibrous, silicate mineral known for its durability, heat-resistance, and chemical inertness and has been mined and used commercially in North America since the late 1800s. Since then it has been used in a wide variety of applications. It has been used it for insulation, fireproofing, gardening, stre..
Acid reflux disease
Acid Reflux Disease: Heart pain on a fork! You no longer look forward to the dinner table because of the acute chest pain that inevitably follows You may have acid reflux disease. Or maybe thats not your problem, maybe for you its knowing that you could very likely wake up with heart pain, or hoarse, or having trouble swallowing, or even feeling like you have something lodged in your throat. You too may have acid ref..
Index of /all-issues
Index of /all-issues Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 14-Apr-2005 11:57 - j0281904.gif 14-Apr-2005 11:34 4k issues-weight-loss-d..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 10k issues-web-hosting.htm 08-Apr-2005 20:50 11k issues-travel-agent-..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 8k issues-template_copy..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 4k issues-template_copy..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 4k issues-template_copy..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 4k issues-template_copy..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 11k issues-template_copy..> 14-Apr-..
Index of /all-issues
Index of /all-issues Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 14-Apr-2005 11:57 - issues-cancer.htm 08-Apr-2005 20:50 12k issues-asbestos-meso..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 12k issues-template_copy..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 11k issues-online-school..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 11k issues-online-auctio..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 11k issues-web-hosting.htm 08-Apr-2005 20:50 11k issues-student-loans..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 11k issues-weight-loss-d..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 10k issues-online-corres..> 08-..
Index of /all-issues
Index of /all-issues Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 14-Apr-2005 11:57 - issues-alzheimers-di..> 14-Apr-2005 11:52 10k issues-template_copy..> 14-Apr-2005 11:51 10k issues-credit-repair..> 14-Apr-2005 11:48 10k MCj03979490000[1].gif 14-Apr-2005 11:46 2k issues-diamond-rings..> 14-Apr-2005 11:42 9k MPj03416630000[1].jpg 14-Apr-2005 11:41 3k issues-flowers-onlin..> 14-Apr-2005 11:36 9k j0281904.gif 14-Apr-2005 11:34 4k issues-for-sale-by-o..> 14-Apr-2005 1..
Index of /all-issues
Index of /all-issues Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 14-Apr-2005 11:57 - MCj03979490000[1].gif 14-Apr-2005 11:46 2k MPj03416630000[1].jpg 14-Apr-2005 11:41 3k header-for-issues.htm 14-Apr-2005 10:58 1k index-of-articles.htm 08-Apr-2005 20:50 5k issues-acid-reflux.htm 08-Apr-2005 20:50 8k issues-adult-educati..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 10k issues-affiliate-mar..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 10k issues-alzheimers-di..> 14-Apr-2005 11:52 10k issues-asbestos-meso..> 08-Apr-2005 20:..
Weight loss diets
Weight Loss Diets: Let Me Count the Ways. Lets face it. We live in a society that is obsessed with being thin and yet most of us are in serious need of weight loss. Its not that were not trying. Weve tried the weight loss pills and the weight loss fasts. Weve tried the weight loss patch and the latest fad diet. Weve gone to the book store to find a weight loss book and walked away empty handed,..
In Search of Web Hosting
In Search of Web Hosting So youve got a website designed and all ready to launch. Maybe youve even already registered your web domain name. But how do you get it up on the web? The answer is a little thing known as web hosting. In theory web hosting is something you can do yourself with a computer and a high speed web connection, but I dont recommend it. I dont recommend it for several reas..
Travel Agent Schools
Travel Agent Schools Are They Worth Your Time and Money? In my mind there are few career choices with more desirable perks than a career in the travel and tourism industry especially a career as a travel agent. The reduced rates alone on hotel and transportation to exotic locations around the world make the business alluring. Add to that the reputation the tourism and hospitality industry has for pamp..
Online Schools
Online Schools: Opportunity at Our Fingertips Although most school aged children still attend the modern brick and mortar, Monday through Friday, daytime schools, a new kind of schooling is bursting onto the scene: Online schools. Theyre high tech. Theyre convenient. They can be fun and they can be extremely effective. Online schools come in a wide variety of forms and show up in just a..
Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimers Disease: What we Know and Dont Know
Alzheimers disease usually starts gradually with early symptoms including something as simple as a misplaced watch or set of keys. After a while, the common events like misplacing a wallet or purse that we laugh about as a sure sign of old age gives way to forgotten events and places and their loved ones begin to grow concerned as the laughter subsides. Then the smile..
The student loan program in the U.S.
Student Loans Student loans are a common part of the traditional college students financial aid package that often includes grants and some form of work study program along with the student loan. You probably had one. I did. The question is whether or not we should consider a student loan as a part of the financing for the education of next generation. Of course, thats an individual decision but here are..
Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization: The key to your future The twentieth century brought a lot of change in the world of the business of getting your business out in front of your potential customers. From signs on the roofs of barns, to burma shave signs, to television each development was a small step forward in getting the message out and a huge step up in cost. But as the twentieth century drew to a close, a new opportunity for the e..
Pulmonary Hypertension: The Hidden Killer
Pulmonary Hypertension: The Hidden Killer Pulmonary hypertension is, simply put, high blood pressure in the pulmonary region of the body (the lungs). It is a progressive disorder that starts when the blood vessels to the lungs constrict. This makes it more difficult for blood to get through to the lungs, and as a result the heart is forced to pump harder supply the blood that the pulmonary region requires. As time passes the..
Public speaking -- worse than death?
Is Public Speaking Worse Than Death? Fear of public speaking is nearly universal. Most all of us can relate to the ache in the pit of the stomach, the sweaty palms, and the jittery nerves that so often accompany pubic speaking occasions. As a matter of fact, the fear of public speaking is so common that one study I saw ranked it above the fear of death! Thats pretty amazing when you consider that every neg..
Online Schools
Online Schools: Opportunity at Our Fingertips Although most school aged children still attend the modern brick and mortar, Monday through Friday, daytime schools, a new kind of schooling is bursting onto the scene: Online schools. Theyre high tech. Theyre convenient. They can be fun and they can be extremely effective. Online schools come in a wide variety of forms and show up in just a..
Online Health Insurance Quotes
Online Health Insurance Quotes: Providing Insurance for the Twenty-First Century Over the past couple of decades that only thing that has seemed to keep pace with the rising cost of health care has been health insurance premiums, prompting many to choose to do without insurance. But with the cost of health care skyrocketing, choosing to forgo health insurance could prove to be a devastating decision. It doe..
online correspondence schools
Online Correspondence School Revolution There is no doubt that online correspondence schools are here to stay. For the professional they offer the flexibility to integrate further education into our fast paced lives by being available on the computer when the kids are finally asleep without the need for us to go out and get a babysitter. For many, online correspondence schools offer access to educational..
Online auto insurance quotes
Online Auto Insurance Quotes: Insurance Shopping Made Easy While it may not rival the feel of new heated leather seats on a snowcapped winters day, the online world makes the old days of dealing with insurance companies seem painful at least when it comes to shopping for an auto insurance quote. The first and most obvious advantage is the convenience. You can work on your quote when its convenient to you. I..
Online Auctions
Online Auctions: More than Just eBay When most of us think about online auctions we automatically think about eBay. This is understandable since eBay has dominated the world of online auctions since it was founded in 1995, but the reality is that eBay is only one of hundreds (some say thousands) of online auctions available on the internet that provide shoppers from around the world to hunt for bargains, find collec..
Nursing Job Opportunities
Nursing Job Opportunities London to Anchorage, Rescuing Hospitals to Rescuing Victims As the baby boom generation ages, the number of people needing the services of health healthcare professionals is on the rise, and that means the need for nurses has never been higher. As a result our nation is currently experiencing a shortage of nurses which means, among other things, that the range of opportunities presented to those seekin..
Medical Software
Medical Software: Medicine for the Medical Profession Imagine your doctor being able to look up a medical condition on a hunch while he or she is still with you in the exam room instead of having to try to remember to do it at the end of the day after they are exhausted from having seen all of their patients. Its possible thanks to advances in medical software that is now available online. All the doctor needs is the..
Medical malpractice
Medical Malpractice Mania: At What Cost? Medical malpractice is an issue which evokes strong opinions from people all across the spectrum politically, economically, and geographically because we are all touched by the issue in one form or another. Because of the issue of medical malpractice juries have awarded huge settlements to individuals that the jury has determined to be the victim of..
Medical alert bracelets
Medical Alert Bracelets: The Piece of Jewelry that Could Save Your Life If you are one of the millions of people around the world who have a medical condition like diabetes, asthma, or a particular drug sensitivity that medical professionals have to know about in an emergency to provide you with the proper medical care you need a simple, reliable, lost cost way of communicating your medical needs to the medical community. You need a medic..
Life insurance quotes online
Life Insurance Quotes Online: Simplified Peace of Mind Your life insurance premium is the money that you pay each month so that you wont have to worry about those that are left behind after you die. In a perfect world we wouldnt need it but we do. We live in a world that has made it difficult to turn around without incurring an expense. And unless you live the life of a hermit, living out of a cave in the midst..
Law school
So You Want to Go to Law School? Mention law school and for most people one of two images instantly comes to mind. The first one is dominated by all the jokes that float around the world about the law profession, the second is images of well groomed and tailored young men and women making wads of money. Either way the thought of finding a law school is intimidating. No one wants to spend all that money to go to..
Landing the Last Minute Cruise Bonanza
Landing the Last Minute Cruise Bonanza The travel and tourism industry is coming back. Its slow and painful, and rising fuel prices dont help, but it is coming back and cruise ships are among the bright spots in the tourism industry. So does that mean there are no deals to be had in last minute cruises? Hardly. The growth of the cruise industry means that new ships are being added to the fleets of cruise..
Laser hair removal
Laser Hair Removal: The High Tech Answer to Tweezers and Waxing. Whether were talking about an embarrassing bushel of facial hair on a woman, back hair on a man, or just something a little more subtle, more and more people are turning to laser hair removal experts for help. But what is it? Is laser hair removal a viable alternative for you? Laser hair removal is a modern hair removal system design..
Laser eye surgery
Lasik Eye Surgery: Weighing the High Tech Optical Gorilla Laser eye surgery. It sounds almost surreal too good to be true. It sounds something akin to Supermans X-ray vision or the devices the doctors on Star Trek would wave over a patients arm to heal a deep gash in the skin or a broken bone. It sounds like a fantasy, but its not. Lasik eye surgery is real. Lasik eye surgery is a procedure that re..
Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing: Opportunity at Your Fingertips Internet marketing has revolutionized how we do business. It wasnt very long ago that very few companies had a presence on the internet. Now its often said that if you want to survive you had better have a presence on the web. But really even a presence on the web is not enough. Businesses go under everyday that do have a presence on the web, but what most of them dont hav..
Home Owners Insurance Quote Online
How to Get the Best Home Owners Insurance Quote Online Type the words home owners insurance quotes into most any search engine and the number websites listed that say they are prepared to give you an online insurance quote is staggering. It can even be a little bit daunting, but it doesnt have to be. The internet is an excellent place for the savvy shopper to find a home owners insurance quote that is right for you. This..
Home Equity Loans
Three Critical Tips toward Getting the Best Home Equity Loan You Can Get Regardless of how carefully we plan, we all find ourselves in need of extra cash from time to time. Whether that need comes in the form of a medical emergency, a major home repair or renovation, an automotive repair, or something as simple as the need to replace a major appliance, a home equity loan might be the answer that you..
Heart attacks
Heart Attack Symptoms and How They are Treated Youre going throughout your day as usual when you suddenly realized that your chest and neck or stomach isnt feeling right
or maybe you have no pain to speak of but find yourself short of breath, you may be having a heart attack. Heart attack warning signs can also include profuse sweating, light headedness, nausea, and vomiting as well as the chest pain, which can..
Free credit report
Free Credit Report? Whats the catch? It seems that you cant open your mail or access the internet without running into someone that wants to give you a free credit report . Thats great, Ive always thought, it wouldnt hurt for me to check and make sure that my credit report actually reflects who I am, but why is everyone so anxious for me to let them do the legwork for me? Whats in it for..
For sale by owner
For Sale by Owner Savvy, Foolish, or? Selling your house, regardless of whether you use an agent or sell it For Sale by Owner, is a big commitment. (Also known as FSBO). That house represents years of hard work and thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars so you dont want to do something that might jeopardize your investment in that house, but at the same time, and for the same reason, is it worth paying som..
Flowers online
Brighten Her Day by Ordering Flowers Online. Youre speeding down the information super highway when the realization suddenly hits you; you really should have sent flowers to Aunt Rachel who just got out of the hospital. You hesitate. You really should send flowers, but you dont have time to run down to the florist and you hate trying to order a bouquet over the telephone. Fortunately, you dont have t..
Druge and alcohol treatment programs
Drug and Alcohol Treatment: Getting it Right In 2002 more than six million Americans were abusing prescription drugs according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and thats just the statistics from one group of addictions! When you add in the millions of people who are addicted to alcohol or illicit drugs such as heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamines, it is clear that the ne..
Diamond rings online
How to get Diamond Rings Online and Save! So youre looking for a way to buy diamond rings but youre unsure whether or not the online jewelry dealers are a good option. Thats a fair question. Can you get a good value when buying a diamond ring online? The short answer is that you can get a better value purchasing online, if you do it right. The first reason is that the online jewelry dealers dont..
Design your own web site
Designing your own web site It wasnt very long ago that the business world was a web site optional world. Much has changed since then. Today, there are very few businesses that wouldnt be greatly benefited by a well designed web site and many others that would not be in business today if they didnt have an active and dynamic web site. If you dont have a web site, get one. Unless..
Debt consolidation options
Debt Consolidation: Lifesaver or Man-eater? In America today, the average American has a combined credit card debt of more than nine thousand dollars so there is little reason for surprise that the debt consolidation industry is thriving. The internet is filled with advertisements for debt consolidation solutions. Nearly every day I get another offer to loan me money for debt consolidation. An average de..
Credit repair
Homemade Verses Store Bought Credit Repair It doesnt take much to find yourself in need of credit repair: A careless employee mistakenly types your account number or social security number on a report of bad debt to a credit reporting agency. In a transposition of numbers your social security number gets attached to a report of someone defaulting on their home loan. Or maybe it came about because someone stole..
Cheap internet access
Cheap Internet Access Options: Deals for the Savvy Looking for cheap internet access? How does $19.99 month sound? Too rich for your blood? How about $14.99? $12.99? $9.99? $6.49? How about free? No, dont check your glasses, I said free. There are deals out there to be found for anyone looking for cheap internet access. Most of the cheap internet access deals are on dial up accounts and that is where I w..
Laser hair removal
Cerebral Palsy Overview: There is Hope The term cerebral palsy is catch-all term which describes a group of chronic disorders which appear in the first few years of life and limit a childs control of their own movement. These disorders are caused by damage to parts of the brain that control motor function and not as a result of problems in the muscles or nerves. This usually occurs during fetal d..
Issues that affect us all
The Many Faces of Cancer and the Treatment Options When I was a child the mention of the word cancer brought fear and trembling. It also brought images of lung cancer. Maybe that was the most common kind of cancer back then. I dont know. I do know that there are now in excess of one hundred kinds of diseases that we would call cancer. Some, such as lung, breast, prostate, and te..
Broadband Internet Access
Broadband Internet Access Options: High Speed Communications Take Flight The internet. It makes it possible us to email, search, research, instant message, game, browse, shop, and transmit pictures and videos to friends and loved ones hundreds or even thousands of miles away. Individuals use it. Businesses use it to build their customer base. Even businesses that are not r..
Your backyard gazebo
Finding Your Backyard Never-Neverland Your Backyard Gazebo With the price of gasoline racing toward the sky more and more of us are looking a little closer to home for a place to retreat from the hectic pace of every day life. We need a place to read, meditate, and pray. We need a place to unwind, reset, and even, perhaps, add a touch of romance into our day to day lives. For many the answer may be as simpl..
Asbestos and mesthelioma - Great for insulation -- not so great for humans
The Effects of Asbestos On Humans Great for insulation -- not so great for humans Asbestos is a fibrous, silicate mineral known for its durability, heat-resistance, and chemical inertness and has been mined and used commercially in North America since the late 1800s. Since then it has been used in a wide variety of applications. It has been used it for insulation, fireproofing, gardening, stre..
Alzheimers Disease
Alzheimers Disease: What we Know and Dont Know
Alzheimers disease usually starts gradually with early symptoms including something as simple as a misplaced watch or set of keys. After a while, the common events like misplacing a wallet or purse that we laugh about as a sure sign of old age gives way to forgotten events and places and their loved ones begin to grow concerned as the laughter subsides. Then the smile..
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing Programs: Opportunity for the Internet Savvy The internet is full of offers promising to make you money a lot of it. But do these offer hold up? Specifically, do the affiliate marketing programs that proliferate the internet deliver on their promises? Actually, they can but as with everything else in life, youve got to choose wisely. In the mid 1990s, Jeff Bezos, the founder of..
Adult Education
Adult Education: Quite Possibly the Key to Your American Dream Studies have shown a direct correlation between an individuals earning ability and his or her education. Because of this, many people every year enter the world of adult education. Sometimes it is because the next level up the corporate ladder requires a degree or certification that the individual just doesnt have. Sometimes we enter the wo..
Acid reflux disease
Acid Reflux Disease: Heart pain on a fork! You no longer look forward to the dinner table because of the acute chest pain that inevitably follows You may have acid reflux disease. Or maybe thats not your problem, maybe for you its knowing that you could very likely wake up with heart pain, or hoarse, or having trouble swallowing, or even feeling like you have something lodged in your throat. You too may have acid ref..
Index of Articles on Issues That Affect Us All
Index of Articles on Issues That Affect Us All Index of Articles on Issues That Affect Us All Acid reflux disease Adult Education Affiliate Marketing Asbestos and mesthelioma - Great for insulation -- not so great for humans Your backyard gazebo Broadband Internet Access Issues that affect us all Laser hair removal Cheap internet access Debt consolidation options Design your own web site Drug and alcohol treatment programs Free credit report Heart attacks Home E..
Index of /all-issues
Index of /all-issues Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 14-Apr-2005 11:57 - MCj03979490000[1].gif 14-Apr-2005 11:46 2k MPj03416630000[1].jpg 14-Apr-2005 11:41 3k header-for-issues.htm 14-Apr-2005 10:58 1k index-of-articles.htm 08-Apr-2005 20:50 5k issues-acid-reflux.htm 08-Apr-2005 20:50 8k issues-adult-educati..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 10k issues-affiliate-mar..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 10k issues-alzheimers-di..> 14-Apr-2005 11:52 10k issues-asbestos-meso..> 08-Apr-2005 20:..
Piano chording music -- piano lessons galore for adults on DVD
Piano chording music -- piano lessons galore for adults on DVD
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Index of /all-issues
Index of /all-issues Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 14-Apr-2005 11:57 - index-of-articles.htm 08-Apr-2005 20:50 5k issues-adult-educati..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 10k issues-broadband-int..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 8k issues-debt-consolid..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 10k issues-free-credit-r..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 8k issues-heart-attack.htm 08-Apr-2005 20:50 8k issues-home-equity-l..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 8k issues-home-owners-i..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 8k issues-internet-mark..>..
Index of /all-issues
Index of /all-issues Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 14-Apr-2005 11:57 - j0281904.gif 14-Apr-2005 11:34 4k issues-weight-loss-d..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 10k issues-web-hosting.htm 08-Apr-2005 20:50 11k issues-travel-agent-..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 8k issues-template_copy..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 4k issues-template_copy..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 4k issues-template_copy..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 4k issues-template_copy..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 11k issues-template_copy..> 14-Apr-..
Index of /all-issues
Index of /all-issues Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 14-Apr-2005 11:57 - MCj03979490000[1].gif 14-Apr-2005 11:46 2k MPj03416630000[1].jpg 14-Apr-2005 11:41 3k header-for-issues.htm 14-Apr-2005 10:58 1k index-of-articles.htm 08-Apr-2005 20:50 5k issues-acid-reflux.htm 08-Apr-2005 20:50 8k issues-adult-educati..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 10k issues-affiliate-mar..> 08-Apr-2005 20:50 10k issues-alzheimers-di..> 14-Apr-2005 11:52 10k issues-asbestos-meso..> 08-Apr-2005 20:..
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