Index of /elaineR-rouge/scripts
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Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes
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Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - feature-box-4.htm 26-May-2005 15:37 1k menu-btm.htm 26-May-2005 15:30 1k feature-box-2.htm 26-May-2005 15:17 1k feature-box-3.htm 26-May-2005 12:58 7k menu.htm 26-May-2005 11:44 2k footer2.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k footer.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k tagline.htm 19-May-2005 10:56 1k feature-box-1.htm 19-May-2005 10:43 1k header-text.htm 19-May-2005 10:31 1k resources.htm..
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - feature-box-1.htm 19-May-2005 10:43 1k feature-box-2.htm 26-May-2005 15:17 1k feature-box-3.htm 26-May-2005 12:58 7k feature-box-4.htm 26-May-2005 15:37 1k footer.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k footer2.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k header-text.htm 19-May-2005 10:31 1k menu-btm.htm 26-May-2005 15:30 1k menu.htm 26-May-2005 11:44 2k resources.htm 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k tagline.htm..
Index of /elaineR-rouge/images
Index of /elaineR-rouge/images Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - top-pick.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k menu.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k logo.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 5k hdr.jpg 01-Feb-2005 21:32 31k hdr.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k envelope.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k ebook-getting-starte..> 01-Feb-2005 21:32 43k colors.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k bullet.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k bookmark.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k best-seller.gif 01-Feb-2005 21..
Index of /elaineR-rouge/images
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Index of /elaineR-rouge/images
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Index of /elaineR-rouge/images
Index of /elaineR-rouge/images Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - Book cover.jpg flat.jpg 19-May-2005 11:32 7k best-seller.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k bookmark.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k bullet.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k colors.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k ebook-getting-starte..> 01-Feb-2005 21:32 43k envelope.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k hdr.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k hdr.jpg 01-Feb-2005 21:32 31k logo.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 5k menu.gif 01-Fe..
Index of /elaineR-rouge/scripts
Index of /elaineR-rouge/scripts Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - bookmark.js 19-May-2005 10:07 1k elaine-v2.css 01-Feb-2005 21:32 4k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Index of /elaineR-rouge/scripts
Index of /elaineR-rouge/scripts Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - bookmark.js 19-May-2005 10:07 1k elaine-v2.css 01-Feb-2005 21:32 4k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Index of /elaineR-rouge/scripts
Index of /elaineR-rouge/scripts Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - elaine-v2.css 01-Feb-2005 21:32 4k bookmark.js 19-May-2005 10:07 1k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Index of /elaineR-rouge/scripts
Index of /elaineR-rouge/scripts Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - elaine-v2.css 01-Feb-2005 21:32 4k bookmark.js 19-May-2005 10:07 1k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to.....
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Special Offers The best in guitars, keyboards, drums, brass, woodwinds, & recording devices...
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - feature-box-1.htm 19-May-2005 10:43 1k feature-box-2.htm 26-May-2005 15:17 1k feature-box-3.htm 26-May-2005 12:58 7k feature-box-4.htm 26-May-2005 15:37 1k footer.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k footer2.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k header-text.htm 19-May-2005 10:31 1k menu-btm.htm 26-May-2005 15:30 1k menu.htm 26-May-2005 11:44 2k resources.htm 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k tagline.htm..
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - header-text.htm 19-May-2005 10:31 1k footer.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k tagline.htm 19-May-2005 10:56 1k footer2.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k feature-box-2.htm 26-May-2005 15:17 1k feature-box-1.htm 19-May-2005 10:43 1k resources.htm 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k feature-box-4.htm 26-May-2005 15:37 1k menu-btm.htm 26-May-2005 15:30 1k menu.htm 26-May-2005 11:44 2k
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - resources.htm 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k header-text.htm 19-May-2005 10:31 1k feature-box-1.htm 19-May-2005 10:43 1k tagline.htm 19-May-2005 10:56 1k footer.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k footer2.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k menu.htm 26-May-2005 11:44 2k feature-box-3.htm 26-May-2005 12:58 7k feature-box-2.htm 26-May-2005 15:17 1k menu-btm.htm 26-May-2005 15:30 1k
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - tagline.htm 19-May-2005 10:56 1k resources.htm 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k menu.htm 26-May-2005 11:44 2k menu-btm.htm 26-May-2005 15:30 1k header-text.htm 19-May-2005 10:31 1k footer2.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k footer.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k feature-box-4.htm 26-May-2005 15:37 1k feature-box-3.htm 26-May-2005 12:58 7k feature-box-2.htm 26-May-2005 15:17 1k
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Index of /elaineR-rouge/images
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Index of /elaineR-rouge/images
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Index of /elaineR-rouge/images
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Index of /elaineR-rouge
Index of /elaineR-rouge Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - woodwinds-products-5..> 26-May-2005 15:37 13k terms.html 26-May-2005 15:30 7k sub_synths.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 4k sub_specials.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 4k sub_module.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 4k sub_gifts.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 3k sub_electpiano.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 3k sub_amps.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 2k sub_access.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 3k site-map.html 26-May-2005 15:30 8k scripts/..
Index of /elaineR-rouge
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Index of /elaineR-rouge
Index of /elaineR-rouge Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - woodwinds-products-5..> 26-May-2005 15:37 13k pro-equipment-produc..> 26-May-2005 15:37 15k keyboards-products-3..> 26-May-2005 15:37 17k includes/ 26-May-2005 15:37 - electric-guitars-pro..> 26-May-2005 15:37 15k drum-sets-product-2...> 26-May-2005 15:37 16k brass-products-4.html 26-May-2005 15:37 12k musiciansfriendsads.htm 26-May-2005 15:30 13k article1_copy(11).html 26-May-2005 15:..
Index of /elaineR-rouge
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Index of /elaineR-rouge/scripts
Index of /elaineR-rouge/scripts Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - bookmark.js 19-May-2005 10:07 1k elaine-v2.css 01-Feb-2005 21:32 4k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Merchants Musician's Friend Go to: UN: duaneshinn PW: chordpiano7 & Username: mW993PpJZ Emailid: 957814 mW993PpJZ..
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes
Index of /elaineR-rouge/includes Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - feature-box-1.htm 19-May-2005 10:43 1k feature-box-2.htm 26-May-2005 15:17 1k feature-box-3.htm 26-May-2005 12:58 7k feature-box-4.htm 26-May-2005 15:37 1k footer.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k footer2.htm 20-May-2005 14:12 1k header-text.htm 19-May-2005 10:31 1k menu-btm.htm 26-May-2005 15:30 1k menu.htm 26-May-2005 11:44 2k resources.htm 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k tagline.htm..
Index of /elaineR-rouge/images
Index of /elaineR-rouge/images Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - Book cover.jpg flat.jpg 19-May-2005 11:32 7k best-seller.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k bookmark.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k bullet.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k colors.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k ebook-getting-starte..> 01-Feb-2005 21:32 43k envelope.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k hdr.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 1k hdr.jpg 01-Feb-2005 21:32 31k logo.gif 01-Feb-2005 21:32 5k menu.gif 01-Fe..
How to shop for an melodica
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: melodicas How to shop for an melodica MELODICA - PLAY FOR BEAUTIFUL MELODIES Melodica is an easy to play musical instrument. It is available in various sizes. Some are so compact that you can easily carry them in your pocket. Melodica was introduced somewhere in mid-19th century. With the passage of time, little variations were done to thi..
What to look for when you shop for a Electronic Keyboard
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: electronic keyboards Electronic Keyboards ELECTRONIC KEYBOARDS- A MUSICAL ROAD TO DRIVE UPON An electronic keyboard is not a particular music instrument; it can be a mouth organ, synthesizer, sampler or a digital piano, all together. In this article you will see different information about electronic keyboard. Size of the Electronic K..
golden pinecone templates
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: current page here Article Pages - Add More Pages Articles are not listed in the main menu simply because there are often too many to post. Therefore, articles are only linked via the article directories. Article Directories are typically listed on the home (or index) page. Need to add more pages? It's easy! Open the web page to be duplicat..
golden pinecone templates
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: current page here Article Pages - Add More Pages Articles are not listed in the main menu simply because there are often too many to post. Therefore, articles are only linked via the article directories. Article Directories are typically listed on the home (or index) page. Need to add more pages? It's easy! Open the web page to be duplicat..
How to shop for a flugelhorn
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: flugelhorn How to shop for a flugelhorn The mellow sound of the flugelhorn The flugelhorn is a special instrument and a famous instrument of brass band family. The perfection of flugelhorn is judged simply by blowing into it that is to say that if you blow into cornet or a trumpet continuously and excessively, you will realize that the to..
How to shop for a French horn
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: French horns How to shop for a French horn French Horns About French Horns Earlier, the horn of different animals was hollowed and people used to blow into these hollow horns and sound come from them. Then, the brass horns were introduced. Later, with more development, French horns in different types and made of different materials are a..
Buying a digital piano
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: digital pianos Digital pianos -- now almost perfect... Buying a digital piano Digital pianos are the musical instruments which every one can enjoy and play with ease. Unlike the old acoustic models, digital models do not need tuning and can be easily transported to different places by two persons. They also cost less than the acoustic pian..
golden pinecone templates
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: current page here Article Pages - Add More Pages Articles are not listed in the main menu simply because there are often too many to post. Therefore, articles are only linked via the article directories. Article Directories are typically listed on the home (or index) page. Need to add more pages? It's easy! Open the web page to be duplicat..
How to select the best flute for your needs
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: flutes How to select the best flute for your needs Flutes The flute is one of the most common musical instruments. Fingers and lips are used to play this instrument. The different combinations of fingers are used to produce the sound. Mouth air vibrates in the tube and creates the sound. The flutes are m..
golden pinecone templates
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: current page here Article Pages - Add More Pages Articles are not listed in the main menu simply because there are often too many to post. Therefore, articles are only linked via the article directories. Article Directories are typically listed on the home (or index) page. Need to add more pages? It's easy! Open the web page to be duplicat..
Index of /elaineR-rouge
Index of /elaineR-rouge Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - afilbankeybd.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 11k articl1.jpg 26-May-2005 12:46 69k article-directory.html 26-May-2005 15:30 21k article1.html 26-May-2005 15:30 13k article1_copy(10).html 26-May-2005 15:30 9k article1_copy(11).html 26-May-2005 15:30 13k article1_copy(2).html 26-May-2005 15:30 17k article1_copy(3).html 26-May-2005 15:30 16k article1_copy(4).html 26-May-2005 15:30 16k article1_copy(6).html 26-..
Index of /elaineR-rouge
Index of /elaineR-rouge Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - images/ 19-May-2005 11:32 - includes/ 26-May-2005 15:37 - scripts/ 19-May-2005 10:07 - power_search2sm.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 2k merchants.htm 20-May-2005 08:59 2k readme.txt 01-Feb-2005 21:32 2k sub_amps.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 2k power_search_key.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 3k sub_electpiano.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 3k sub_gifts.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 3k sub_access.gif 19-May-2005 1..
Index of /elaineR-rouge
Index of /elaineR-rouge Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - readme.txt 01-Feb-2005 21:32 2k scripts/ 19-May-2005 10:07 - images/ 19-May-2005 11:32 - mfanim.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 22k afilbankeybd.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 11k power_search2sm.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 2k sub_amps.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 2k sub_module.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 4k sub_electpiano.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 3k sub_gifts.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 3k sub_synths.gif 19-May-2005 1..
Index of /elaineR-rouge
Index of /elaineR-rouge Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - woodwinds-products-5..> 26-May-2005 15:37 13k terms.html 26-May-2005 15:30 7k sub_synths.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 4k sub_specials.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 4k sub_module.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 4k sub_gifts.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 3k sub_electpiano.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 3k sub_amps.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 2k sub_access.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 3k site-map.html 26-May-2005 15:30 8k scripts/..
golden pinecone templates
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: current page here Terms of Use We make every effort to provide accurate information but make no warranty and may not be held liable for any losses or damages which may occur as a result of any person using information or products associated with this site or any of our partner or affiliate websites. You should always consult a Physician, Attorney, or..
golden pinecone templates
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: current page here Privacy Policy This web site offers information at no fee to our Audience. We do not collect information from our Audience or sell information from our site to any other company or party. We only send email messages in response to any questions sent to us or if you have asked to be part of our email newsletter. Should you receive any..
golden pinecone templates
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: current page here Partners Sites - Directory A Determine how you will list your link partners - whether you decide to list them alphabetically, or by a category listing - it's up to you! Link Partner 1 - Brief Description of partner site here. Link Partner 2 - Brief Description of partner site here. Link Partner 3 - Brief Description of partner..
Children�s Piano Buying Tips
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: child's pianos Selecting the right piano for your son or daughter Children�s Piano Buying Tips Buying a piano is something that cost you a lot of money. So you should be more than cautious about your decision. Most of the buyers are not even acquainted with brands and types of pianos when they go for buying. Hence they are prone..
How to shop for a French horn
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: French horns How to shop for a French horn French Horns About French Horns Earlier, the horn of different animals was hollowed and people used to blow into these hollow horns and sound come from them. Then, the brass horns were introduced. Later, with more development, French horns in different types and made of different materials ar..
golden pinecone templates
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: pianos Acoustic pianos for a realistic sound & touch An acoustic piano is a musical instrument which is an owner�s (player�s) pride and a listener�s delight. In fact, acoustic piano will be your f..
How to select a trumpet
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: trumpets How to select a trumpet TRUMPET- Sometimes called The King of Band Instruments Trumpets are available in many varieties. Each variety has its own unique features, and playing these instruments gives real pleasure. The most popular is the Bb trumpet; this is played in different jazz, rocks etc. Other..
golden pinecone templates
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: guitars Acoustic guitars - for a real guitar sound Acoustic guitars Playing a guitar really gives a wonderful feeling. A guitar will always sound well if you have learned thoroughly how to play it, and have practiced a lot. The secret behind the sweet notes of a guitar depends on the quality of the materials with which it has m..
How to select a dulcimer
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: dulcimer How to select a dulcimer Origin of The Dulcimer The origin of dulcimer is not clear, but according to some, this instrument was developed in the 10th century. Dulcimers are of two types i.e. mountain dulcimer and hammered dulcimer. Hammered dulcimer is the most common type. The maximum body part of mountain..
Cymbals -- the crash that refreshes...
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: alto horn How to shop for an alto horn What To Look For In An Alto Horn The type of Alto horn you require will be based on your needs. Do you want a �horn just for a short period to practice on or do you need one for serious playing? If you want an alto horn for less than 3 months, your best bet would be to hire one. If you want it f..
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: cymbals Cymbals -- the crash that refreshes... Cymbals The cymbal is a very unique and useful musical instrument. The sound of cymbal can be easily recognized in any type of music. Music composers specially uses cymbal to give a different feel to their music. On the other, drums player uses cymbal to maintain the tim..
Flutes -- how to shop for a flute
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: flutes How to shop for a flute Flutes The flute is one of the most common musical instruments. Fingers and lips are used to play this instrument. The different combinations of fingers are used to produce the sound. Mouth air vibrates in the tube and creates the sound. The flutes are made up of wood and metals. Plum wood is..
How to select a bassoon
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: bassoon How to select a bassoon What To Look For In A Bassoon Looking for and finding a bassoon can often be a very trying process as it is so difficult for anyone to tell you what exactly you should see when buying a bassoon. Everyone whose opinion you ask will have something different to tell you as all their advice stems from..
How to select a steel guitar
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: alto saxophones & tenor saxes How to select a saxophone Saxophones -- tenor and alto Saxophone, undoubtedly is a very royal musical instrument. Different types of saxophones are available in the market. The best thing about it is that different kinds of players have the option to choose them from various types. For e..
Musician's Friend page
As you probably know, Musicians Friend is now the largest music store anywhere, and they are headquartered right here in my home town, so I know their quality. They have some great specials from time to time. Click on any of the links below. For special deals, click on the Specials in the lower left corner...
Index of /elaineR-rouge
Index of /elaineR-rouge Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 26-May-2005 15:37 - afilbankeybd.gif 19-May-2005 13:27 11k articl1.jpg 26-May-2005 12:46 69k article-directory.html 26-May-2005 15:30 21k article1.html 26-May-2005 15:30 13k article1_copy(10).html 26-May-2005 15:30 9k article1_copy(11).html 26-May-2005 15:30 13k article1_copy(2).html 26-May-2005 15:30 17k article1_copy(3).html 26-May-2005 15:30 16k article1_copy(4).html 26-May-2005 15:30 16k article1_copy(6).html 26-..
Site map of musical instruments
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: site map of musical instruments Site Map of Musical Instruments Guitars -- electic guitars and acoustic guitars - You'll find the best selection and the best prices in guitars right here. Keyboards & Synthesizers - Electric keyboards, synths, keyboard controllers -- you'll find 'em all right here. Drums & drum sets - Wh..
golden pinecone templates
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: current page here Partner Sites This page is your link partner directory page . It is where you allow your users to land and view a brief introduction to your link partners. You may wish to sort your link partners alphabetically by site name or by categories. It's up to you. Use our Link Code Thank you for linking to our site using..
Vibraphones & xylophones
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: vibraphones & xylopones Vibraphones & xylophones Viberaphones & xylophones When you were a kid, do you remember playing a xylophone in school? I did. I was never very good at it, but I did manage to learn the scale pretty well, simply because it was always right there in front of you on the xylophone, so in order to make some..
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: concertinas CONCERTINA- A PERFECT INSTRUMENT FOR MUSIC CONCERTS The concertina The concertina came into existence around mid-eighteenth century, as a diatonic instrument, square in shape with each side having five buttons. Introduced by Uhlig, concertina was able to play at least 20 tunes in the beginning, and later on the number of..
Selecting a clarinet you will love...
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: clarinets Selecting a clarinet you will love... Types of Clarinets Mainly, there are two types of clarinets used by the students i.e. plastic and wood. Plastic clarinets are less expensive as compared to wooden clarinets. Every type of clarinet has its own advantages and disadvantages. The starting range of plastic clarinets is $200 an..
Buying a drum for a child
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: drums for kids Buying a drum for a child Children�s Drums - Getting the Right Sized Drum If your child is a music enthusiast and wishes to practice his hands on real instruments, a children�s drum is the most cost effective solution for you. They are not costly; hence, you do not have to worry about the drum when your child�s tempta..
How to shop for an harmonica
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: harmonic How to shop for an harmonica Spread harmony with your harmonica Harmonica, as the name itself contains the word harmony, thus, is really a very beautiful tool or musical instrument to spread harmony and peace every where. Playing harmonica is not very tough, but it is not very easy, you should take harmonica playing classes. Anoth..
Bass trombones
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: bass trombone How to select a bass trombone The Bass Trombone is one of the popular musical instruments that are widely used in concert, jazz bands and orchestra. It is a famous brass instrument which has a wide..
How to shop for a French horn
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: French horns How to shop for a French horn French Horns About French Horns Earlier, the horn of different animals was hollowed and people used to blow into these hollow horns and sound come from them. Then, the brass horns were introduced. Later, with more development, French horns in different types and made of different materials ar..
How to shop for a mandolin
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: mandolin How to shop for a mandolin Mandolins Playing mandolin is really a great thing, as mandolin is a very musical, soft music instrument. It is really ear-soothing if played correctly from a well constructed and tuned mandolin. Types of Mandolins Numerous varieties of mandolin are available in the market, popular ones being A-st..
How to shop for a harp
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: harp How to shop for a harp The harp -- a little taste of Heaven? The harp is really a wonderful musical instrument through which you can play numerous beautiful and soft pieces of music, which not only soothes your year, but many of your listeners as well. Once you learn playing harp properly, you can play different types of music any..
How to shop for a euphonium
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: euphonium How to shop for a euphonium Euphonium Greek meaning of the word euphonium is beautiful sound . This musical instrument was developed in 18th century by a conical low brass instrument named as Serpents. The cost of euphonium depends on its quality. Professional-quality euphoniums are quite costly. If hand..
How to shop for a flugelhorn
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: flugelhorn How to shop for a flugelhorn The mellow sound of the flugelhorn The flugelhorn is a special instrument and a famous instrument of brass band family. The perfection of flugelhorn is judged simply by blowing into it that is to say that if you blow into cornet or a trumpet continuously and excessively, you will realize that the..
What to look for when you shop for a Electronic Keyboard
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: electronic keyboards Electronic Keyboards - how to buy the best for the money... ELECTRONIC KEYBOARDS- A MUSICAL ROAD TO DRIVE UPON An electronic keyboard is not a particular music instrument; it can be a mouth organ, synthesizer, sampler or a digital piano, all together. In this article you will see different information about electronic..
How to select a viola
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: viola How to select a viola PLAY VIOLA IN A VIOLA STYLE Earlier, viola was practiced upon the violins by simply replacing the violin strings with the viola strings. But it was later realized that this was not the correct method, and viola admirers started practicing it on separate instrument. If you are planning to buy a viola, then i..
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: bongos & congas & latin drums How to shop for Latin drums LATIN DRUMS - DRUMS WITH STYLE AND MELODY Bongo Latin Drums Bongo drums are a pair of drums and both are connected with a small piece of wood. There is slight difference in the size and pitch of the two drums. The diameters of these wooden drums are 7 and 5 inches. Th..
Cellos -- how to buy a cello
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: buying a cello Buying a cello with a great tone The cello Playing cello is one thing that is liked by both amateurs and professionals. Children also love to play this instrument with deep natural and mesmerizing sound. Ten to fifteen of cellos in an orchestra make a special emphasis on bass of th..
How to shop for a glockenspiel
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: glockenspiels How to shop for a glockenspiel GLOCKENSPIELS: A PERFECT PEEL OF MELODIC MUSIC Among the several drumming instruments, glockenspiel can be considered as the best, as a player can play variety of notes/ tones with this single instrument than with any other drum etc. Glockenspiel is a drumming instrument; it has numbe..
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: kazoo How to shop for an kazoo KAZOO- A REAL FUNKY MUSICAL INSTRUMENT If you really love crazy noises, and really want to make some very wild noises, then kazoo is best for you. Kazoo is one of the simplest musical instruments, and is liked and loved by people of all age groups. Best thing about kazoo is that you need to learn it..
How to shop for an melodica
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: melodicas How to shop for an melodica MELODICA - PLAY FOR BEAUTIFUL MELODIES Melodica is an easy to play musical instrument. It is available in various sizes. Some are so compact that you can easily carry them in your pocket. Melodica was introduced somewhere in mid-19th century. With the passage of time, little variations were done to..
What to look for when you shop for a metronome
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: metronomes What to look for when you shop for a metronome METRONOME- A TOOL FOR EVERY MUSIC PLAYER Metronome is popular among music artists, whether he is a guitarist, pianist, or a drummer. It is an essential tool for all music learners and also for professionals as it helps in deciding the performance of the player. Today, digital me..
What to look for in a musical saw
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: musical saw What to look for in a musical saw MUSICAL SAW- A PERFECT SAW TO CUT DOWN ALL YOUR WORRIES As the name suggests, musical saw is a simple saw, but it produces a sweet melodious song with great sound and volume. It has a metal blade and a handle made of wood. As far as the historical background of the musical saw is concerned..
How to select a oboe
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: oboe How to select a oboe OBOES - A BRILLIANT MUSIC INSTRUMENT Oboes is a music instrument, consisting of a cone shaped bore, and a mouthpiece with double reed. It is also known as hautboy. Types of Oboes Oboes are either made of wood or plastic. Both are popular among music players as both have benefits as..
How to select a recorder
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: recorders How to select a recorder RECORDER- AN ESSENTIAL DEVICE for practicing music Recorder is an essential device, which is used to copy music on the CD in a very simple and easy way. CD player with recorder is costlier than the simpler ones. With the help of a recorder, you can easily copy complete disc or some sele..
How to select a panflute
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: panflutes How to select a panflute PANFLUTES Panflute is a wonderful music instrument, but is not a flute. In this article you will see some essential information about panflutes. Types of Panflutes There are different types of panflutes. You can divide all of them under two sections - straight panflutes and curv..
How to select a ukulele
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: ukulele How to select a ukulele HOW TO BUY UKULELES Ukuleles are attractive hand-made instruments that make beautiful sound, and are good to play. Modern ukuleles are available in four sizes: Soprano or Standard, Concert, Tenor and Baritone that are tuned like the thin 4 strings of a standard guitar. There are some basic..
How to select a tuba
Articles about musical instruments of all kinds - from violins to drums to guitars to pianos to keyboards to saxes to trumpets to... home :: tubas How to select a tuba TUNE on to TUBAS Tuba can simply be explained as a music instrument that produces sweet and melodious tunes. It has a cone shaped bore, with a big mouthpiece (shape of a cup), flashing bells, and 2 to 6 valves. Though tuba is quite big in size, the sound and music produced by it is very soft an..