Thursday, July 07, 2005
Piano Lessons Online Free Weekly
Piano Lessons Online Free Weekly: "
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'Secrets of Exciting Chords & Chord Progressions!'
This is the ' Secrets of Exciting Chords & Chord Progressions!' newsletter that you (or someone using your E-mail address) signed up for when you visited our site. If you no longer want to receive these free weekly E-mail piano lessons, toggle down to the bottom of this E-mail and you'll see where you can take yourself off the list. We take your privacy (and ours) very seriously, so we don't want anyone receiving our stuff who doesn't want it! ('cause thousands really do!).
' Secrets of Exciting Piano Chords & Piano Chord Progressions!'
- Free Piano Lesson 51-
'What all do I have to know to be a really good piano player?'
The cartoon above hung in our music studio and was a constant reminder to students of the areas in their musical progress that they needed to develop. If you look closely you can see areas such as ear training, rhythm, harmony, chords, styles, and many other areas.
Many students ask me a question that goes something like this:
'What all do I have to know to be a really good piano player?'
The trouble with a question like that is that it ignores individual differences such as talent, motivation, freedom to practice, and a hundred other variables.
How much did Mozart have to know? How much did Erroll Garner know? Mozart could play far better than I can when he was 3. And Garner was barred from joining the musicians union because he couldn't read music.
Does that mean I don't have to practice, since Mozart could do it without practice? Does that mean I shouldn't learn how to read music since Garner couldn't, and it sure didn"