Index of /articles/mail-order_files
Index of /articles/mail-order_files Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:34 - image001.gif 08-Dec-2004 12:22 2k filelist.xml 08-Dec-2004 12:22 1k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Index of /articles/mail-order_files
Index of /articles/mail-order_files Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:34 - image001.gif 08-Dec-2004 12:22 2k filelist.xml 08-Dec-2004 12:22 1k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Index of /articles/mail-order_files
Index of /articles/mail-order_files Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:34 - image001.gif 08-Dec-2004 12:22 2k filelist.xml 08-Dec-2004 12:22 1k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Index of /articles/mail-order_files
Index of /articles/mail-order_files Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:34 - filelist.xml 08-Dec-2004 12:22 1k image001.gif 08-Dec-2004 12:22 2k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Index of /articles/mail-order_files
Index of /articles/mail-order_files Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:34 - filelist.xml 08-Dec-2004 12:22 1k image001.gif 08-Dec-2004 12:22 2k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Index of /articles/mail-order_files
Index of /articles/mail-order_files Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:34 - filelist.xml 08-Dec-2004 12:22 1k image001.gif 08-Dec-2004 12:22 2k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Index of /articles/mail-order_files
Index of /articles/mail-order_files Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:34 - filelist.xml 08-Dec-2004 12:22 1k image001.gif 08-Dec-2004 12:22 2k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Index of /articles/mail-order_files
Index of /articles/mail-order_files Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:34 - image001.gif 08-Dec-2004 12:22 2k filelist.xml 08-Dec-2004 12:22 1k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Index of /articles
Index of /articles Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:38 - teach-singing.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 10k successful-music-web..> 30-Mar-2005 15:32 15k sales-letters-direct..> 30-Mar-2005 15:32 9k rock-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 10k one-man-school.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 11k mail-order_files/ 08-Dec-2004 12:22 - mail-order.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 11k jazz-piano.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-guitar.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k internet-marketing-w..> 30-Mar-..
Index of /articles
Index of /articles Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:38 - successful-music-web..> 30-Mar-2005 15:32 15k mail-order.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 11k one-man-school.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 11k teach-singing.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 10k gospel-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:30 10k country-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:30 10k rock-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 10k internet-marketing-w..> 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-piano.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-guitar.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:..
Index of /articles
Index of /articles Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:38 - home-business-music-..> 30-Mar-2005 15:34 9k successful-music-web..> 30-Mar-2005 15:32 15k free-publicity.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 9k teach-singing.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 10k sales-letters-direct..> 30-Mar-2005 15:32 9k rock-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 10k one-man-school.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 11k mail-order.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 11k jazz-piano.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-guitar.htm 30-Ma..
Index of /articles
Index of /articles Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:38 - country-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:30 10k free-publicity.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 9k gospel-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:30 10k home-business-music-..> 30-Mar-2005 15:34 9k internet-marketing-w..> 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-guitar.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-piano.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k mail-order.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 11k mail-order_files/ 08-Dec-2004 12:22 - one-man-school.htm 30-Mar-2005 1..
Start your own singing school!
Are you a singer? Just maybe you can teach others and create an income doing what you love! If you are a singer, or just enjoy it and sing to some degree, perhaps you can create your own business teaching singing! There are many things you can do, from teaching lessons to creating a singing instructional video, to creating a book or CD or DVD teaching other people how to sing. I once knew a very mediocre singer in Hollywood who made a GREAT living (actually, a small fortune) giving..
Your Own Music Web Site Business -- Internet Marketing
Examples Of Successful Music Teaching Web Sites! 1. -- Without a doubt the world's largest collection of great courses for piano players of all stripes, no matter what kind of piano music you want to play! Over 300 great courses on everything from boogie to ragtime to pop to the blues to Fur Elise! 2. -- Perfect for the person who plays the piano but doesn't know chords, as well as for stark beginners who don't know middle C f..
Sales letter and direct mail for music teaching businesses
How To Use Red-Hot Sales Letters To Promote Your Musical Talent! Red hot sales letters using direct mail the key to mail order success! Did you know that you can reach millions of prospective customers for your musical services and/or products through the use of mail order? In these days of the World Wide Web, we have almost forgotten that many fortunes have been made using the lowly direct mail letter. Doesnt seem very flashy anymore, does it? But flashy or not,..
Teach rock music and make money
Teach Rock Music & Make Money! If you are a rock music artist, or just enjoy rock music and play to some degree, you can create your own business teaching rock music! There are many things you can do, from teaching guitar lessons to creating a rock music video, to writing rock music lyrics, to creating a book or CD or DVD teaching other people how to play rock music (or as some people refer to it, rock & roll music). Let's say you already play or sing in a rock music band or..
Music Teaching School Home Business
So How Much Money Can I Earn In My Home Business Teaching Music? So how much money can you earn in your home business teaching music? The key word in that title is earn. You and I both know that money doesnt grow on guitars or on the bottom of a Yamaha slab. We have to earn it before we get to keep it, home business or not. But given that, here are some estimates based on my own experience and others in the music teaching business field that I know or know about. One-person M..
Index of /articles/mail-order_files
Index of /articles/mail-order_files Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:34 - filelist.xml 08-Dec-2004 12:22 1k image001.gif 08-Dec-2004 12:22 2k Apache/1.3.28 Server at Port 80..
Your own music mail order product!
So How Much Money Can I Earn In My Home Business Teaching Music By Expanding It Using Mail Order? You have taken the first step in your 3-part plan to build a beautiful home business for yourself doing what you love most music and specifically, teaching music. You have set up your own one-man or one-woman music school using the techniques mentioned in the previous section (Earn Money Part One). You now have a good income flowing in, plus you have most of the day to develop y..
Teach jazz piano and create an income stream
Make Money Teaching Jazz Piano! If you are a jazz piano artist, or just enjoy jazz and play to some degree, you can create your own business teaching jazz piano! There are many things you can do, from teaching guitar lessons to creating a piano video, to writing jazz lyrics, to creating a book or CD or DVD teaching other people how to play jazz (or as some people refer to it, modern jazz). Let's say you already play or sing in a jazz piano band or group of some kind. Start by handing..
Teach jazz guitar and create an income stream
Teach Jazz Guitar & Make Money! If you are a jazz guitar artist, or just enjoy jazz and play to some degree, you can create your own business teaching jazz guitar! There are many things you can do, from teaching guitar lessons to creating a guitar video, to writing jazz lyrics, to creating a book or CD or DVD teaching other people how to play jazz (or as some people refer to it, modern jazz). Let's say you already play or sing in a jazz guitar band or group of some kind. Start b..
Your Own Music Web Site Business -- Internet Marketing
How Much Money Can YOU Make From a Music Web Site Business Of Your Very Own? One of the wonderful things about a music web site business is that it costs so little to start up! If you use Site-Build-It (like the site youre now looking at), you can do it ALL for less than $500. ! Thats absolutely AMAZING, in case you havent thought about it. To open any kind of store takes an investment of thousands and thousands of dollars. I know people that have purchas..
Successful music web sites
Site Map of Home Business Music Articles News releases: How To Get An AVALANCHE Of Free Publicity Sales letter and direct mail for music teaching businesses Country music -- teaching country & western music Gospel music - teaching gospel music Teach rock music and make money Teach jazz guitar and create an income stream Teach jazz piano and create an income stream Start your own singing school! Music Teaching School Home Business Your..
Gospel music - teaching gospel music
Teach Gospel Music & Make Money! If you are a gospel music artist, or just enjoy gospel music and play to some degree, you can create your own business teaching gospel music! There are many things you can do, from teaching guitar lessons to creating a gospel music video, to writing gospel music lyrics, to creating a book or CD or DVD teaching other people how to play gospel music (or as some people refer to it, praise & gospel music). Let's say you already play or sing in a..
News releases: How To Get An AVALANCHE Of Free Publicity
How To Get An AVALANCHE Of Free Publicity For Your Music Home Business! There are 2 ways you can get tons of free publicity in the form of write-ups in magazines, newspapers, and even radio and TV. The first way is to compose a printed news release on your product or service. Write the release like a news article in a newspaper. Tell who, what, when, why, and how interested people can benefit from your product. Avoid hard selling copy --- just give the facts,..
Country music -- teaching country & western music
Teach Country Music & Make Money! If you are a country music artist, or just enjoy country music and play to some degree, you can create your own business teaching what you love! There are many things you can do, from teaching guitar lessons to creating a music video, to writing country music lyrics, to creating a book or CD or DVD teaching other people how to play country (or as some people refer to it, country western music). Let's say you already play or sing in a country band..
Index of /articles
Index of /articles Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:38 - country-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:30 10k free-publicity.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 9k gospel-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:30 10k home-business-music-..> 30-Mar-2005 15:34 9k internet-marketing-w..> 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-guitar.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-piano.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k mail-order.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 11k mail-order_files/ 08-Dec-2004 12:22 - one-man-school.htm 30-Mar-2005 1..
Index of /articles
Index of /articles Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:38 - mail-order_files/ 08-Dec-2004 12:22 - home-business-music-..> 30-Mar-2005 15:34 9k free-publicity.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 9k sales-letters-direct..> 30-Mar-2005 15:32 9k jazz-guitar.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-piano.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k internet-marketing-w..> 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k rock-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 10k country-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:30 10k gospel-music.htm 30-Mar..
Index of /articles
Index of /articles Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:38 - mail-order_files/ 08-Dec-2004 12:22 - country-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:30 10k gospel-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:30 10k internet-marketing-w..> 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-guitar.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-piano.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k mail-order.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 11k one-man-school.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 11k rock-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 10k sales-letters-direct..> 30-Mar-2005 15:3..
Index of /articles
Index of /articles Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:38 - teach-singing.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 10k successful-music-web..> 30-Mar-2005 15:32 15k sales-letters-direct..> 30-Mar-2005 15:32 9k rock-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 10k one-man-school.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 11k mail-order_files/ 08-Dec-2004 12:22 - mail-order.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 11k jazz-piano.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-guitar.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k internet-marketing-w..> 30-Mar-..
Index of /articles
Index of /articles Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 30-Mar-2005 15:38 - country-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:30 10k free-publicity.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:32 9k gospel-music.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:30 10k home-business-music-..> 30-Mar-2005 15:34 9k internet-marketing-w..> 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-guitar.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k jazz-piano.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 10k mail-order.htm 30-Mar-2005 15:31 11k mail-order_files/ 08-Dec-2004 12:22 - one-man-school.htm 30-Mar-2005 1..