Friday, April 08, 2005
Curt Morse wins the Mr. Negative title
Curt Morse wins the Mr. Negative title
Curt Morse wins the Mr. Negative title for 7th consecutive year
Curt Morse wins the "Mr. Negative" title
Curt Morse, known to friends and family as "Grumpy", has again taken home the coveted title of "Mr. Negative" for the seventh consecutive year.
"It's a lousy award", commented Mr. Morse, "and the jerk who is behind this award should be hung by his thumbs." Nevertheless, Mr. Morse did accept the award at the prestigious "Mr. Negative Awards Banquet" at the Rogue Valley Swim and Tennis Club on Tuesday evening. Over 3 people were in attendance, and gave him a standing ovation as he grumpily accepted the trophy, to which he responded "Thanks a lot, Mom. I see Dad and Brian were in on it too."
It has been rumored that Mr. Morse has been negative for so long that he is beginning to sprout horns. If you look closely in the photo above you might be able to barely make out the left horn.
When asked who his role model was as he was growing up, Mr. Morse said "I always loved Puddleglum in the Chronicles of Narnia, because he always put a bad face on anything that happened in his life. Over the years I have tried to do that too, and my life has been the bleaker because of the inspiration I gained from him."
He added "But of course I have to give credit to my family as well. They were always so dour and sour as I was growing up. I can't ever remember my Dad smiling or my Mom doing anything but snarling at me. But they are getting their comeupance: all my siblings are failures in one way or the other. My oldest brother lives in utter poverty, my younger brother is un-employed, and my sister is married to a total jerk who sponges off his inlaws."
The headlines in the local church bulletin read "Our own Curt Morse wins the Mr. Negative title once more. It was well deserved by his royal grumpyship."
Curt Morse wins the "Mr. Negative" title