Friday, March 18, 2005
Most insensitive guy in Oregon
Most insensitive guy in Oregon
Most insensitive guy in Oregon
The most insensitive guy in Oregon holding his sensitive daughter
According to recent polls, the most insensitive guy in Oregon is this guy. Nine out of ten doctors agree that indeed, he is the most insensitive guy in Oregon, if not in the entire country.
Not only that, but his beloved wife has officially named him as "the most insensitive guy in Oregon", and his mother-in-law heartily concurs.
His father-in-law, however, does not agree that he is the most insensitive guy in Oregon. "I think that I, and not this outstanding young software man, am the most insensitive guy in the entire state of Oregon.
If you have an opinion in this matter, please send your responses to:
Most sensitive guy in Oregon dept, Beaverton, OR.
Free will offerings gladly accepted.