Friday, September 23, 2005
Bev Luman with rose
Bev Luman with rose: "
Bev Luman with rose!
Bev Luman with rose!
Bev Luman, also known as Mom and Grandma, has again become the hit of the season by fearlessly placing a rose between her teeth and throwing her arms outward in a gesture of affection for all who have the good fortune to be found in her circle of influence. Bev Luman with rose can often be found posing in front of her fireplace with a red rose. On other occasions, Bev Luman with rose can be located by typing 'Bev Luman with rose' into Google and looking under 'photos'. Those who are fortunate will sometimes find a photo of Bev Luman with rose waiting for them
Bev Luman with rose is the subject of this page, in case you couldn't tell.
Bev Luman with rose
Bev Luman with rose: "
Bev Luman with rose!
Bev Luman with rose!
Bev Luman, also known as Mom and Grandma, has again become the hit of the season by fearlessly placing a rose between her teeth and throwing her arms outward in a gesture of affection for all who have the good fortune to be found in her circle of influence. Bev Luman with rose can often be found posing in front of her fireplace with a red rose. On other occasions, Bev Luman with rose can be located by typing 'Bev Luman with rose' into Google and looking under 'photos'. Those who are fortunate will sometimes find a photo of Bev Luman with rose waiting for them
Bev Luman with rose is the subject of this page, in case you couldn't tell.
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Piano Lessons Online Free Weekly
Piano Lessons Online Free Weekly: "
Special -- Whitelist Your E-mail Address!
'Secrets of Exciting Chords & Chord Progressions!'
This is the ' Secrets of Exciting Chords & Chord Progressions!' newsletter that you (or someone using your E-mail address) signed up for when you visited our site. If you no longer want to receive these free weekly E-mail piano lessons, toggle down to the bottom of this E-mail and you'll see where you can take yourself off the list. We take your privacy (and ours) very seriously, so we don't want anyone receiving our stuff who doesn't want it! ('cause thousands really do!).
' Secrets of Exciting Piano Chords & Piano Chord Progressions!'
- Free Piano Lesson 51-
'What all do I have to know to be a really good piano player?'
The cartoon above hung in our music studio and was a constant reminder to students of the areas in their musical progress that they needed to develop. If you look closely you can see areas such as ear training, rhythm, harmony, chords, styles, and many other areas.
Many students ask me a question that goes something like this:
'What all do I have to know to be a really good piano player?'
The trouble with a question like that is that it ignores individual differences such as talent, motivation, freedom to practice, and a hundred other variables.
How much did Mozart have to know? How much did Erroll Garner know? Mozart could play far better than I can when he was 3. And Garner was barred from joining the musicians union because he couldn't read music.
Does that mean I don't have to practice, since Mozart could do it without practice? Does that mean I shouldn't learn how to read music since Garner couldn't, and it sure didn"
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Piano Lessons For Adults: More Fun, Easier & Faster Than Piano Lessons For Kids
Piano Lessons For Adults: More Fun, Easier & Faster Than Piano Lessons For Kids: "Piano Lessons For Adults: More Fun, Easier & Faster Than Piano Lessons For Kids
Piano lessons for adults is generally LOTS more fun than it is for kids, primarily because the only adults that play piano are people who really want to, which is certainly not true of most kids that take piano lessons because their parents want them to.
But that�s not the only reason by a long shot.
Adults in record numbers are signing up for piano lessons all around the world, for a variety of reasons, including:
* Because of the internet, adults have become aware that piano lessons don�t have to happen in a music studio or store, so they are not locked into a schedule of showing up for a lesson every Tuesday at 4. Now they can choose their own time and schedule and learn at their own pace via lessons available on the internet.
*Adults have become aware that traditional methods of learning by reading music and practicing scales is not the only way to learn to play the piano. They have become aware that learning chords and chording techniques is a viable option.
*Chord-based piano learning methods are excellent for beginning adults, since they can quickly learn enough to make their songs sound good in a reasonably short time. It doesn�t take years of intense practice to be able to play a familiar tune in the right hand while chording in the left hand.
*Many adults have found that by learning chords, they can come through the �backdoor� of piano playing. They learn to play chord-style quickly, and enjoy it so much that they are then motivated to learn to read music and go on to master traditional sight-reading.
*In addition to the musical benefits, professional people have discovered that piano playing is one of the most rel"
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Piano Playing Your Way: How To Have More Fun Playing The Piano Than You Ever Have Before
Piano Playing Your Way: How To Have More Fun Playing The Piano Than You Ever Have Before: "Piano Playing Your Way: How To Have More Fun Playing The Piano Than You Ever Have Before
Piano playing doesn�t have to be boring. There�s no law that says you have to play a song the same way everyone else plays it. By learning some basic music theory and chord formations, you can have the time of your life playing music like you�ve always wanted to.
Every musician has a different method of arranging. Some start with the bass, some start with the melody, some just arrange everything all at once. You'll eventually discover the process that works best for you, but here's a basic guideline list to get you started.
- Play the song as written. Pay careful attention to the melody and harmonies so you understand how the song is supposed to sound before altering it. Make sure you can play the song very well before moving on to an arrangement.
- Analyze the song's chord structure and form. Know all the chord changes and any key changes. Separate the piece into parts using the letter system discussed in this course; often, you'll be able to add some spice to an arrangement by simply knowing where a verse switches into a chorus.
- Look at the song's context to determine the appropriate sort of arrangement. For instance, if you're working on a classical lullaby or wedding song, you probably won't want to add western bass or a march beat. Of course, there's no rule saying you can't do that if you're going for a comical effect. Just be aware of the effect every sort of arrangement technique will have on a song.
- Change the bass chording pattern based on the just-analyzed song's context. Working with 'Git Alone Little Dogies'? Try a western bass. A classical romantic song? Give upward inversions or arpegg"
Playing The Piano Using Chord Symbols Instead of Being Tied To The Written Sheet Music
Playing The Piano Using Chord Symbols Instead of Being Tied To The Written Sheet Music: "Playing The Piano Using Chord Symbols Instead of Being Tied To The Written Sheet Music
Piano improvising and arranging is an art but definitely not a science. There aren't any steadfast rules for creating an arrangement, nothing to dictate the limitless potential of your imagination. Musicians learn to arrange by simply arranging � and improvise by improvising -- over and over again. It's a big game of trial and error. But it�s also a scientific method: you keep the experiments that work, and abandon those that don�t work.
That being said, there are a few things that can help you in the knowledge of piano improvization. Don't think of these as rules, but rather points on a roadmap guiding you through the vast world of arrangement and improvisation possibilities.
- The first step, of course, is to learn as much as you can about chords and how they work. Once you get a handle on piano chords and the chord symbols that represent them, you can then learn how to break those chords up in various patterns.
- Learn several different chording patterns, such as open voicing, arpeggios, upward inversions, western bass, Alberti bass, swing bass or boogie bass. This course guides you through these techniques, in addition to others, and teaches you to understand when they're the most appropriate.
- Learn some right hand fillers, like octaves (and the multitude of harmonic possibilities associated with octaves), tremelos, grace notes, twangs, runs, and turnarounds. Again, this course teaches you these fills and several others.
- Study pre-arranged sheet music. Your local music shop will have tons of music books containing several arrangements; read and play through these in detail. Seeing wha"
Learn To Play The Piano Better By Learning To Arrange Chords & Chord Progressions
Learn To Play The Piano Better By Learning To Arrange Chords & Chord Progressions: "Learn To Play The Piano Better By Learning To Arrange Chords & Chord Progressions
Arranging is the process by which you take a written piece of music and rework it, adding new bass accompaniment, fills, or even slightly altering the song's structure. And while it's a process that takes years to truly master, anyone with a basic education in piano and a working knowledge of a few key techniques can create an inventive, satisfying arrangement. It all boils down to one thing: chord recognition.
Most people learn to play the piano by playing just the written music. Playing by written music is exactly what the phrase says it is -- playing the exact notation on a piece of sheet music. But playing by chord symbol is a little different. Instead of following the harmony note by note, you follow the chord symbols (i.e. C7 or F) written above the harmonies, filling in the gaps with...well, whatever you want as long as it sticks to those chords. Of course, you'll still read the melody (it is, after all, often what makes the song recognizable) but even that is completely open to interpretation. Playing by chord symbol allows you a freedom that playing by written music simply doesn't. The freedom to create. The freedom to invent. The freedom to arrange chord patterns in the way you want.
Does that mean playing by written music is less important than playing by chord symbol? Absolutely not! The ability to play by written music is an extremely valuable skill, one that even some of the most famous musicians don't possess. And while you don't necessarily need to know the skill backwards and forwards to create great arrangements, it's a tremendous help.
Think about it this way. Some of the most revered modern artists create pain"
Music and pain relief
Music and pain relief: "Oh My Aching head! Can Music Really Make You Feel Better?
We all know, if only instinctively, that music has a profound effect on us. If we didn�t believe that music affects us then singing lullabies to calm children and help them sleep wouldn�t be universal. In reality melody, harmony, and rhythm probably impacts the human brain in ways that are far more profound than we realize. We all know that an up tempo melody from our favorite performer stirs and energizes us just as a slower melody can help us relax or even prompt sad emotions from the depths of our soul, but did you know that evidence has been found linking the merging of melody, harmony, and rhythm with pain management?
The direct implication of this is that by incorporating the right melody (we�ll discuss what defines the right melody in a moment) into your schedule it is possible to reduce your need for pain medication and thereby save money and aggravation.
Sound good? I know it does to me. Who wouldn�t like to save a little more money that they are already sending to the pharmaceutical companies. And the best part is that the melody(s) that you need for pain management may already be in your collection.
Researchers suggest that the magic melody that you are looking for in your quest for melodic pain relief isn�t one particular song that fits all. Instead personal taste is an important factor � but don�t run out and put on your favorite hard rock selection, it probably won�t do the trick. Instead, you want to look for a gentle, soothing melody that helps you relax. This might mean an old Natalie Cole melody that distracts you and draws you in to a more comfortable moment, but whether your taste if for Natalie Cole, Handel, or something more modern, the key is to find a melody that has a slow steady beat (ideally at or under s"
Thursday, June 30, 2005
So you want to be President? Play a musical instrument
So you want to be President? Play a musical instrument
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Life is more than music and piano lessons...
Life is more than music and piano lessons...: "Families That Hit Pine Cones Together
Life is more than music and piano lessons...
It is said that families that pray together stay together. I think it�s almost equally true that families that play together stay together. If play time is the glue of family life, our family is a sticky crew!
One scorching August day we were trying to escape the heat by retreating to a summer cabin rental at Diamond Lake, high in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. Our little league star, Garin, suggested that we play baseball.
�But we don�t have a ball up here,� I objected.
�We don�t need a ball. We can use pine cones,� answered Garin.
�Where would we play? There�s no clearing big enough,� I countered.
�We can play in the driveway if you move the car.� Garin always was a problem solver.
�Alright,� I groaned. �Come on. Everybody out to the driveway.� I pouted while moving the car. I always was a bad loser.
The driveway to our cabin, you understand, was not the nicely paved driveway you find in subdivisions. Instead, it was more like a wild bear trail, weaving its way between 200-foot pines and spruce and white fur, bordered on the west by Diamond Lake and on the right by the country road. I had visions of the Cincinnati Reds playing the World Series on a motorcycle track. �The boat trailer will be first base,� declared Garin with the authority that only comes with entrepreneurs. �The back of the car will be second, and the outhouse will be third. Let�s use this squirrel hole for home plate. �
So we did.
Mom said to start the game without her. She would be there in a minute. Garin was first up, naturally. He tripled off the Blue Spruce. Conveniently at third, used the opportunity to hurry Mom out of the game by pounding the rhy"